Product Marketing


My role

As a Production Designer at Foursquare, I worked alongside the Brand & Design design team to product a variety of content for the Product Marketing team.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere Pro, Figma


Prior to my joining, Foursquare had established a new brand style with which the Brand & Design team was working to implement across all internal and outgoing content.

Using this new brand aesthetic, I produced a variety of one-sheets and white papers that focused on advertising a specific Foursquare product in greater detail or celebrating news about a new milestone Foursquare had reached.


I also produced a number of ebooks for the Marketing team that served as expanded guides on how to engage with Foursquare’s suite of products or celebrated new milestones the company had reached.


On occasion I would also design custom content for marketers and sellers when necessary. These requests involved creating static or animated graphics that helped illustrate the function of Foursquare’s suite of product.

Below is an animation I created using Adobe Premiere Pro meant to illustrate the function of Foursquare’s “Visits” resource.


I was also responsible for developing pitch decks and presentations alongside stakeholders that gave greater context to the workings of Foursquare products.