

My role

During my time at Foursquare as Production Designer, I helped managed the main company website by creating new pages and updating existing content when necessary.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Contentful platform, Figma


The Brand design team used Contentful’s platform to manage the components that made up Foursquare main website at the time. I was responsible for building out web pages with new components I stored on the site or updating existing components when necessary.


The components I used on Foursquare’s website were made of either a combination of preset fonts and imagery or content I designed with other programs.


I created a number of illustrations that served as alternative, lighter loading imagery compared to the photography also inline with Foursquare’s brand. These illustrations further aided in conveying the various focuses of the company product suite.


I also managed Foursquare’s Blog section. I built blog post upon requests from various teams and design downloadable content when the project required.